Sunday, October 10, 2010

Colds, infections and stranger's parties.

So, I don't remember whether I mentioned this, but I got my wisdom teeth out in August, and I've been having some issues in one of the sites. First it just wouldn't heal. Then I got an infection (swollen jaw, yellowish discharge, the whole shebang), for which I took amoxicillin (the doctor told me it was penicillin, but in looking it up, there is a difference in how they are synthesized), which I had an allergic reaction to. I took it for a few days, realized the fever was caused by an allergy, so I stopped. The infection went away for about a week, then came back weakly. So I've been using hydrogen peroxide, spraying it on the site, and then washing my mouth thoroughly. Well, turns out there were some shards of tooth or bone fragment in the gum around the area. I removed two pieces last night, and the site seems a lot better, but I'm afraid that there is more there. Why do I always have to be in the minority of patients that have complications or weird non-life-threatening but inconvenient health problems? At least none of this is going to kill me... hopefully.

In the meantime, I've developed the mother of all colds. Coughing, sore throat, stuffed up sinuses, headache, etc. I've been coughing so much that I pulled my diaphragm, so, that's painful now. I don't want to go to the store to get orange juice, so I've just been taking multi-vitamins and coughing up as much phlegm as humanly possible. I hope this dissipates by the end of the week, and it doesn't end up being pneumonia or something that I have to take antibiotics for.

I feel like a biohazard site.

However, it hasn't all been just me getting sick. My new friend, Tony, came over for last weekend. We wandered around the area, and I was wearing one of those old dress navy hats (the ones that look a bit like old police hats) and some group of black guys outside a bar stopped me, and wanted a few pictures with me. Well, I agreed, because I didn't see any harm in it. The one who was taking the pictures, however, bent down right in front of my with the camera, and at first, I thought the lens was up, so I sort of giggled nervously and put my legs together and pressed a hand against my mini skirt. I honestly thought he was taking an up-skirt shot, but he sort of glared at me after I did that (it's not like I said anything, just made the motion) so I think I offended him. What was I supposed to think, with him crouching below me with the camera? Anyway, they took their pictures, and one of them--the most talkative--asked me some questions.

"I like your style. What would you say you are, goth, hippie...?"

"I don't know," I replied. "I don't really have a name for it."

I kind of hate it when people ask me to label myself. If you want to label me, then go ahead, I couldn't care less. But I'm not going to participate in a process that makes me seem like some sort of culture groupie. I like a lot of subcultures, and so I take from each of them. Folk, hipster, hippie, punk, glam, whatever. I got over that whole label thing in high school. It's a way to both differentiate you from people you "don't like" and find a group of people that share your values. I don't need that. I don't have a problem making friends with people of any culture. It's really a matter of getting mature enough to see that music and clothing taste is usually inconsequential. That's not to say I don't appreciate my friends with similar music tastes a little bit more, but that's an issue of what people play at parties.

After we talked to this group of men for awhile, we left and went looking for a party. We ended up in some tiny little apartment with like, at least fifty other people (there was literally no walking room, much less room to dance), and found out that the keg was kicked. Tony kept looking for it, and I just wanted to leave. I didn't like the atmosphere and I was getting really claustrophobic.

So we came back home, I put on some better clothes (a mini-dress, a little make-up, my leather jacket), and we ended up sitting outside my apartment building, talking to the security guard who has a booth on the corner. We talked to him for about an hour. Very nice guy.

I guess I also went to another party last weekend (before Tony came), where this cute little girl named Christina was hanging off of me the whole night. I think that girls who like kissing girls (or just want to get attention) gravitate towards me because I'm non-threatening and I don't mind a little girl-on-girl action. Also, because I have a boyfriend, it's not like I'm going to get attached. She ended up with one of the guys at the party at the end of the night. I ended up coming home and sleeping off a hang-over. I wish I had my beau.

All in all, I just wish I were well again. I am tired of hacking of globs of green and yellow goo... and not being able to sing. I guess I can still whistle...


Alright. I'm out.

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